Silver Lake Lions Club Serving Silver Lake and Rossville
Intermittent Reservation System
The Intermittent Reservation System (IRS) will be set up to reserve those remaining slots not used by the Advanced Reservation System (ARS) as well as any slot reserved via ARS that will not be used on a weekly basis (ie, team conflict and unable to practice). The IRS will be scheduled on a weekly basis with the reservations for the week opening at noon on the Monday prior to that week. Teams may use the form below to request available slots.
Regular time slots will be Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, but there will be other times that are available when The Storm Softball Organization is not using the field during their scheduled time slots. Intermittent Reservation System Application and Agreement - A form must be completed and submitted to prior to reservation of a time slot.
Copyright 2008-24 Silver Lake Lions Club. All Rights Reserved. Last updated 3/1/24